Take a Drive, with MrPete

Saturday, August 30, 2008

DCVideo #2 - FINLAND!

Drivecast Video #2 - Finland!

Greetings! Just a quick video to let you know where in the world I am!
Enjoying this wonderful country, meeting friends new and old, walking more than I've ever done, hehe!

Be good to hear from you, so drop me an email to the address below!
Pete :)

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Email to DriveCast (at) Gmail (dot) com
Skype me at mrpete_81
All comments welcomed :)

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Monday, August 18, 2008

DC 15 - The Return

Drivecast #15 - 17th August, 2008

Hey there!

I know it's been a while since I last put a show out (okay, nearly two years!), but now's the time for the fun and games to begin again!

~ "The Distance From Here" by Chiba-Ken
- Suffolk 'n' Cool - Is what the title suggests!
~ "Schrodingers Cat Paradox" & promo by cjacks
~ "All Hands On Deck" by Rigel

Chiba-Ken and cjacks courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network
Rigel courtesy of Jamendo

I'll be getting the iTunes listing sorted shortly, so please bear with me.
Hope you enjoyed! Get in touch and let me know :)

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Email to DriveCast (at) Gmail (dot) com
Skype me at mrpete_81
All comments welcomed :)

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Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, it seems that I've done an update!
Check it out...


Download - M4V VIDEO File
iPod compatible video - if you need a different format, let me know!)

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Subscribe to iTunes - Coming soon...

Email to DriveCast (at) Gmail (dot) com
Voicemail to mrpete_81 (Skype)

All comments welcomed :)

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Thursday, December 27, 2007


Hold your horses! The return of the Drivecast is nigh!!

Watch this space (before 2008 guaranteed!). . .

Monday, February 26, 2007

Long time no hear...

Hey everyone,

My most sincerest of apologies for not having updated in AGES!! Life took a surprising turn over the past few months, with lots of downs and a few little ups. I hope you're all okay and things have been good for you!

Things seem to be sorting themselves out nicely now though, and with a few lil changes I'd like to start this podcast going again. I'll be getting a new episode out this week, as I FINALLY have a break from work!

A couple of new things before I goto bed though (after 3am! sheesh!):

You can now access this podcast from - TakeADriveWithMrPete.com ^__^
You can leave me audio comments on my new Skype number - +44 20 813 37483
Yes, it's 020 813 DRIVE !

Don't forget you can still email me at Drivecast (at) Gmail (dot) com.
So yes, off to bed! Catch up with you all soon, very soon!


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Email to DriveCast (at) Gmail (dot) com
Audio to 0044 208 133 7483 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Drivecast #014 - Deutschland! (Repost)

Drivecast #14 - 27th August, Germany

As promised, here's the short show I created in Germany, reposted due to network issues! Due to the lack of time/access to wifi, I haven't been able to get it online till now :/

~ "Faster Tonight" by Chiba-Ken
From the Podsafe Music Network

I'm going to be doing a "memory" show this weekend talking about my trip to the continent though, which I hope you'll enjoy!

As usual, any feedback please contact me (details below), as it'd be great to hear from you all!

Safe journeys,
MrPete \m/

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Drivecast #014 - Deutschland!

Drivecast #14 - 27th August, Germany

As promised, here's the short show I created in Germany! Due to the lack of time/access to wifi, I haven't been able to get it online till now :/

~ "Faster Tonight" by Chiba-Ken
From the Podsafe Music Network

I'm going to be doing a "memory" show this weekend talking about my trip to the continent though, which I hope you'll enjoy!

As usual, any feedback please contact me (details below), as it'd be great to hear from you all!

Safe journeys,
MrPete \m/

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Germany Calling...

Hey there everyone!

Just a quick message, as I´m at a net cafe in Germany! Yes, Germany!

I DO have a show for you, but until I can find wifi access (hopefully later today!) I can´t get it online.

Anyway, time´s up and I need to go! Safe journey´s everyone...

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Drivecast #013 - Lucky 13?

Drivecast #013

- Can you guess what day it is yet?
~ "la salsa goes tech" - dj stylez
- And thus it all started, at 0630, 25 years ago...
- Celebratory drinks tomorrow night methinks! (early Happy Birthday to Alex!)
UPDATE: Going to see the Australian Pink Floyd tonight instead! woo!! ^_^

- "Clare's Walk" show 9/10 at Upwood this Saturday, then the last show of the tour next Saturday. Details: www.menagerie.uk.com/clareswalk
~ "wylde side" - corneilius
~ "Faster Tonight" - Chiba-Ken
- Well, I gotta get something more rockin' in there too!! \m/

Talk to me, I might talk back! :D

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Quick lil update :)

Hey hey!

Just a quick lil update, with no show (GOLLY!!!) I'm afraid.

It's been brought to my attention that a few of you are trying to hunt out my old shows (pre show 11). As I changed hosts a while back, it's meant all my photos and old shows went too BUT do not fret! I will be getting them all back online and the old shownotes updated to reflect the new links. Chances are though, if you try dl'ing them through iTunes or your preferred aggregator the links won't work.

I'll hopefully get this lot sorted out by Sunday :)

Any comments or you wanna leave me a message email me at drivecast@gmail.com or ring 0044 (0)141 416 0646!

Catch you soon, and safe journeys peeps :)
MrPete x

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Drivecast #012 - LONDON baby YEAH! ^_^

Drivecast #012 - London Special!

A very special show, which went a little wrong half-way through - don't trust moving media when recording on the go ><

WARNING: This show does contain some mild bad language (sorry!)

- Britcaster organized "Draught & Darts" London meetup (Britcaster.com)
~ "This is it" - The Alice Project
- A Formal affair? Not this time :)
- Self analysis with MrPete... Basically I go into a HUGE rant about my lack of self-confidence, and talking about myself with relation to podcasting, the Weebl & Bob community, socialising and life in general...
~ "The Last Time You Noticed The Sky" - Ian Knapp
- DnD Minion *hides*
- Respect to Mr Curry, for being the guy he is
Having had chance to listen to Richard Bluestein's (aka. Madge Weinstein) response to Adam's ranting show on Friday (21st April), I also have respect for him for apologising publically, just a shame things happened the way they did.
- Skype in the car?! If only...

- Can you hear me? :/
- Samson C01U USB Condenser Studio mic (gonna get me one, I think!)
- Apologies for the break in show from last night
- Living "online" (IRC, World of Warcraft, Second Life, etc.), Globalisation, being "out of your knowledge" ("Clare's Walk"), a bit more self-analysis for good measure too... [You might have noticed I'm good at tangents & circular conversations, hehe]
- Talk to me... ...please?
~ "Infinite Smile" - Henta Ellis

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Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Drivecast #011 - Newcastle Trip, 26th March

Drivecast #011 - Newcastle Trip, 26th March

Woah! Long time no speak ><
Sadly, once again, I've been more than little delayed in getting this out, but I PROMISE you it won't be this long till the next recorded show!!!

As per usual, here's the notes:

~ "The Killing Fields" - Chiba-Ken
- Format: Still the same-old, same-old ;)
- A lil about me & the drivecast for new listeners

- The reason for the drive: Spencer Tunick, the Baltic Mill and the exhibition itself of the event I took part in last July (2005) :)
- Drama in Production examinations, explained (very roughly)
- Touring show: "Clare's Walk" by Steve Waters (our Dir. of Studies for Drama)
UPDATE: Here's a review from the Pride of Place Festival gig we did on Saturday 1st April, from The British Theatre Guide!! :D

- A lot can happen in a year (ALCHinY): my band came and went
- Solo piano music? Must be the Whisperings... Don't forget to support them if you like their stuff!
~ "Nothing But Sorrow" - Osiris Rising
~ "Heaven's A Lie" - Lacuna Coil (Century Media Records)
- Why can't we just listen & share what we want?? :)
- ALCHinY: podcasting? hehehe...

So there we go, the journey to Newcastle!

Thankfully, the 2nd part of this show will be up by this weekend so you can enjoy my journey home too!

All the music used in this podcast was from the Podsafe Music Network :)

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Drivecast #010 - 31/1/06

Drivecast #010 - The Return Home...

Well, kinda! Recorded this one on my way home tonight, just to prove that I'm still here! Anyway, here's a quick rundown:

- Erm, hello?
~ Chiba-Ken "The Distance from Here"
- busy busy busy...
- podcast confession
- technological advances - MrPete gets a website (coming soooon!!!)
~ 137 "FCC (Force Controlled Culture)"
- A Driving moan
- Contact rememberance!
- Upcoming months - Exams, Touring Show, and other such goodies!

**CALLING ALL DRUMMERS**: If you're in the Cambridge (UK!) area & would like to be in a band for fun, please get in touch (details below)!

= Promo: Cjacks (Thank you!!)
~ Cjacks "Schrodinger's Cat Paradox"
- Topics for discussion please!!
- plug for the PMN, which incidentally is where all these tracks came from ;)
~ Uncrowned "Queen of New York"

Please excuse the formatting problems on this page, the lack of pictures/multitude of 's and any other problems you can see. I'm in the process of setting up some hosting and bits which'll greatly improve the Drivecast in general! Bear with me just a lil bit longer...


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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Woah! 2006??!?!!?! ><

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

It appears I've not updated for a while! D'oh! ><

Things had been a bit hectic over & before the Christmas vacation, and as much as I wanted to do a show, either time or technical problems have SEVERLY hampered my efforts. Oh, and I also have no webspace at the moment either ><

Things are looking up though! Hopefully, over the next few weeks I'll be setting up my very own server at home, so as long as it can cope with bandwidth issues, I should be able to keep things up properly. If not, I'll just have to pay for some - suggestions for helpful/reliable services would be greatly appreciated!!

Ooh, and I'll be getting some new gear this next week (all will be revealed! ;) )

Hope you're all well and ready for a new start with the DriveCast!
You can still drop me an email at drivecast@gmail.com with any suggestions, comments or just to say hello!

Anyway, neeeeed sleeeeep - heading towards the exam period at work, so I'm busy getting things organised for that (logistical headache being an understatement!)...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

DriveCast #009 - 06/12/05

Drivecast #009 - Back to normal ><

Hey everyone.
Now, I know there's been a bit of problem lately. It appears that my trip into the video world has gone pair-shaped! It somehow seemed to be able to crash every media player I could try! That's no easy feat either ><

Anyway, here's a kinda normal show, which has been a culmination of the past few weeks (possibly a month's worth now!) of recordings. So, here's the show notes:

- Rememberance Sunday
- Selling Mondeo & Buying a NEW ONE (as pictured in the videocast notes below) \o/

- Email fom Oz - Triple J, ABC!
- Hello to Australia!
- A Minutes Silence, for Rememberance Sunday
- CC Chapman & the Podshow Expo
- UK Expo? Or maybe further afield - Euro Expo, etc.?
- Bye bye Mondeo :'(
= Promo by CJacks (Composer of Schrodinger's Cat Paradox)
- New car!
~ No Plastic Inside - "Drivin' The Sunset Boulevard"
~ Nocheni - "Entre el Cielo y el Infierno"
~ Nocheni - "No hay marcha atras"

~ "Give me a Second Chance for Christmas" - Candy Butchers

Okay, so it's that time of year, heading towards Christmas. And for every single person in the world, I have something extra special coming in the next DriveCast episode...

And of course, I must give a big big thank you to Cale Nordstrom in Canada for pointing out there was a problem with the DC video! As a little gift to you and everyone else, here's what SHOULD have happened -> DriveCast Video #001 (Quicktime prefered)

IF there's a problem with that, send me an email and I'll take the file down straight away!! Your help is greatly appreciated!

So, have fun in the surf or the snow everyone and I'll talk to you soon!
MrPete :)

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)