Take a Drive, with MrPete

Thursday, June 30, 2005

DriveCast #1 \o/

DriveCast #001 - 30/06/05

Okay! So, today I was able to record the first of the DriveCasts on my way home from work.
It's not the best of setups, but it works surprisingly well. I did a couple of music tests, but as I don't want to play non-podsafe music on there, I thought it best not to include the 2 Metallica tracks in the show ;)
The whistling you hear later is the top box & roof rack I have on the car at the moment, so you won't always hear that in the show in the future. Perhaps that's something to remember to say about when I start the shows... *makes notes*

Speaking of notes, here's the show notes!

- Intro to the show
- Modern Technology
- Bit about me (just so's you know :P)
- Plugging the Buscast (with Dubbers & Spoons)
- What to do with the show ~ Music, Interviews, Audio tours (the phrase I forget earlier today, heh)
- Setup Stats
- Podcast catchup - DailySourceCode Amazement! The Piano track I forgot = Rob Costlow "I Do"
- Ideas ~ EMAIL me!

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Email to DriveCast@Gmail.com
Audio to 0044 141 416 0646 / mrpete_81 (Skype)
All comments welcomed :)

Friday, June 24, 2005



Greetings, and welcome to my new podcast!
If you're not up-to-speed with what podcasts are, there's a description here, and some useful info here.

Right, I'll say this now, so as not to upset you guys - this is NOT a daily, even a weekly podcast. Sadly, due to the nature of the show, I can only do the show when I'm on my travels. Sometimes near, sometimes far, I never know where I may end up!

Hmm yes, I should start with a little about who I am and where I am!

I'm MrPete, your host for the drive. A twenty-something, looking for fun and excitement. I've been driving since the age of 17, and have clocked up well over 180,000 miles already! Had the opportunity to drive a couple of friends to Spain in 2002, with all their worldy possesions (they were moving there), so that was fun and a half!
Been hooked on the whole Podcasting deal for about 2 months or so now, thanks to a friend of mine - Spoons, from the BusCast - and have been introduced to a fantastical world of pure entertainment, knowledge and anything else there is out there!

So, naturally, I've been racking my brains for the past few weeks, determined to get in on this little bandwagon somehow, but not had the foggiest idea what to do a show about. Eeek! Yes, a show!
Anyone who knows me, will know that I am a definate techy as apposed to actor, but for some reason the idea of doing my own "show" is actually quite exciting!
In the end, I realised that what I tend to do best (driving) should be included somehow. So, there the idea hatched and the rest is history...

Think of it as an audio tour of the UK (possibly further afield when I've the money!), interjected with humour, news, and the enjoyment of life and what it has to offer! So yeah, it's possible there may only be 1 a month, but I'll make sure it's worth every second ;)

I'm only starting out, so please be gentle! Let's see where we can go with this...